Tuesday, April 15, 2008


It is 1am right now. I doing nothing just spend my precious time like this. Gonna f myself. How could I waste my time like this since mid year exam just around the corner? I don't know how and don't know why. Can't really concentrate on my studies. Tjj sure worry. Haha. Sorry to make you worry. I trying my best k.

Still the same to say. I miss him. My inbox still remain the same. No new message from him. Feel disappointed. Disappointed on myself because I still waiting for his message. Never mind. Take my time to do what my heart wants. Everything will be fine with the time passed. I keep on persuading myself. It seems works. Really works. I enjoying using this method.

I don't want to do the same things again and again. Just let it be. Shun Xi Zhi Ran might be better than force. Don't want to force him to talk with me. Don't want to force him to trust me. Don't want to force him to love me in return. I respect his decision. what he want to do just do. I might care but I trying not to care. Treat his everything as transparent. This my talent.

Just keep on pretending to be myself. Don't cry for him. Don't think of him. Don't care of him. Really DON'T. I can do it as well. But why my mind stuck suddenly? I think of her. She got the same feeling too? I don't know. Not dare to ask her. Someone told me before. "Let your love go if everything cannot make it as well." Ya. I letting my love to go. Just go anywhere you want but not my heart. I keep the memories in my deepest of heart. But gonna throw it one by one. Slowly to let everything fade.

No stars tonight I guess. Playing the songs he likes. Ykw, don't cry.

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