Monday, June 2, 2008

Better way

Haha. I waste my tears again. Damn. Whats else can I do? I really don't know. Keep on persuading myself not to think of him. I trying my best. Let everything fade then I'll be better. But his way could hurts me. He can't even think a better way to solve our problems. He never ever want to face it. I wonder why. Should be because of her.

He said lets forget our love? Could it be so easy to forget everything? I need some times to digest. To chase him out from my life. But it seems impossible by right now. Its still very hard for me. I don't have enough confidence to pretend anymore. I feel tired. So sick of his way. He should know what I'm thinking of yet he keep on doing that to hurt me. Sounds funny.

Anyway, I updating my mind right now. Don't think so much. He admits everything but that everything cannot back to the past. I wondering what does he thinking of? I can't ever get his mind. Our relation still remain the same. Didn't like to talk. Didn't like to smile. Never mind. We used to be like this.

I want to take a deep rest. He won't be with me anymore. He and her really look match to be couple. I can't think to get him anymore. Everything have to end up right now since he asked to forget everything. I'll listen what he said. Jia You. Don't waste my tears anymore. I'll stay strong.

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