Friday, June 13, 2008


Went for my drum exam just now. I thought I can did well but I never. Got lots of mistakes. Shit. This time sure cannot score Distinction! Haiz. But fine. Let it be. Try harder for next year. Don't know why I think of him before I go in for exam. His Jia You makes my tears. Haha. Still waiting for his message. But I know, he would not reply me. 

Saw her today. My heart feels pain suddenly. My mind directly think of him. They really look so match to be couple. He didn't lie on me. He sure likes her so much. I feel like crying when saw her. I finally know why he will fall on her. She is too bright to be appear. I don't know how to say. But I can understand the feel he wants. She is suit for him. Thats why he goes away from me. I am a loser. Lose without any reason.

Finally my msn can on. He didn't online or he status appear offline? I don't know. He never want to find me or even reply my msg. I should stop everything. I know this. Won't think so much anymore. Just my mind suddenly stuck. I think of the past, which full of him. SHIT! Just.... Speechless.

So long time I didn't cry for him. Haha. I'm strong even though without him. Does these mean my love towards him started to fade? I really don't know. Maybe I used to be like this. Already feel nothing on his actions. I get into a deep thought. Don't cry. I won't. 

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