Wednesday, June 18, 2008

One week

;My stomach pain regularly recently. Shit! I don't know why I feel like crying when every time I'm alone in the class. My tears drop is because of the pain or something else? I don't know. Being confusing. I'm in the blur blur condition. 

We started to change. He gives me hope again and again but spoil it again and again. Wtf. I trying my best to stranglehold everything but he wants to spoil my plan. I hate his way. He knows what I'm thinking of but he don't want to admit that. Wtf. He's still that useless when faced me.

He likes to leave me alone when he knows I'm waiting for him. Why I still so stubborn? What for I keep on waiting and waiting? Everything is bull shit in his eyes. He likes to treat my everything as nothing. He is still wordless when looking into my eyes. I lost my confident again and again when it is without him.

Thought that I won't cry but my tears drop. Yet, I miss him alot. He called me but we talked for only 30 seconds. This is the shortest conversation that we ever have. I laugh after that. Laugh until my tears drop. Wtf. It is a pain. But he don't know.

Someone told me something. I realised something and get something. Growing more mature and of course just care for my SPM. I won't spoil my future. I won't. But why I still cannot let him go? I want him to know something but he avoid to know. I'm speechless.

Don't cry. Don't ever drop my tears for him. It is pointless. He won't appreciate and treasure what I give. Got only her in his eyes. I should understand. I know it. So, let everything fade. I trying my best to leave him but I failed. I trying my best not to miss him but I failed. I trying my best to chase him out from my heart but I failed. I'm a failure. Haha. 

P/s: I miss him. Still waiting for his reply. But I know he won't reply my message no matter how. He got her than it is more than enough. Ykw wky. Have to wake up. Don't cry. 

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