Saturday, June 7, 2008

3 am

It is 3 am right now. Zhang zhi Chen's " Lin Chen San Dian Zhong" should be more suitable ya. Haha. I started to think so much. I never forget what he told me that night. No answer from him. He never want to give me some respect at last. Nvm, let it be. Everything should be alright. I'm so glad that I get to know something. Its good for me, even my future. 

I was sitting at the corner and wait for my siblings and friends played games at Theme Park last night. Haha. Everyone pass by would put their sight on me. I know some of them sure will think that I'm pity enough. Haha. But I never. I just think of him only. I closed my eyes so that no one knows I cried. I was alone with full of loneliness that without him. But thanks JJ, for your stupid msg. I smile because of that. Really. My heart feels pain when I deleting all his msg. He got gf and it is her. Exactly what I'm thinking of and what they were telling of. Haha. He admit. As what I always said, they look match to be couple. My wish came true.

After that I went for Narnia. To be honest I never ever concentrate on that. I think of him for the whole night. I know I can't think so much anymore. My heart have no more feeling. I just used to be like this. What he keep on giving I just received. I didn't want to pretend. Just be myself. Of course I'm still that strong even though I really lost him. Wtf. I can re-arranging my mind. Ykw sure wky. I won't cry for him anymore. 

P/s: Thanks CW. Just appreciate it so much so much so much. Thanks for your stupid jokes that tease me. And you and TW's accompany. Got chance I treat you back for movie. Some more I get to know something from you. I'll keep everything as secret. I growing up dy. Don't worry. I'm big girl sure won't cry. Especially won't cry for him. And I remembered what I promised. I'll always keep my smile. And you too. Jia You. Be brave. Time can cure our wounds. So work harder together. Thank you.  

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