Friday, May 16, 2008

Thomas Cup

I feel like crying suddenly. Just came back from tuition and know that Malaysia lose in semi final match. Versus China. The first geng team in the world. Don't know why I feel so sad. Knowing that Malaysia's players put more and more effort on it but still fail. Lee Chong Wei did a good job. He really played well when fight with Lin Dan. Maybe his ranking will be the first after this. Maybe la. Lin Dan never played well for the match. Haha. So shuang. But LD still that fit and leng zai.

After that my Koo Kien Keat and Woan Ling's Tan Boon Heong. Wtf were they doing? Shouldn't put the blame on them. They tried their best already. But I ponder, it is their best? I don't think so. I still remember I watched the live match before in Bukit Jalil. They did a good job last time when versus the same person. Cai Yun and Fu Hai Feng. But they lost the point. Maybe they faced the pressure from everyone. Everyone expect that both of them will get one point for Malaysia. But they failed. Haiz. Kkk and Tbh sure very disappointed. So as me and WL. FHF still so yeng. Leng zai la. CY quite good for the match also. Admire them. China wor.

Then Wong Chong Han's turn versus my Bao Chun Lai. BCL really looked like Jei Shen. So cute. He got enough stamina to fight with WCH since WCH really old already. But I still hope WCH will win for the match. But Tjj, my livescore when I went for tutiton, he s me and said WCH lose until so charm. My mood gone and can't really concentrate on tuition. Haiz. But never mind, of course my BCL better la. So proud.

After that second double. ..... .....(Sorry to Malaysia players. I don't know you guys name. But I will check it out k.) versus ...... ...... (I don't know them. Paiseh la. Sorry to China.) My livescore s me again and said Malaysia won. So happy. Haha. My mood came back. I can think of their happiness. And of course so nervous la. 2-2 le. Who didn't feel nervous de tell me.

The last match. Third single. Hafiz versus Chen Jin. See also know Chen Jin will win la. But still have to depends on the luck la. But finally Hafiz really lose. Chen Jin look so happy. Every China players put the smile on their face and cheers! Kanasai. But my BCL look so cute. Haha. Malaysia lose. 3-2. My heart feels pain. Don't know why. My tears really running off my eyes when the moment know that Malaysia lose. SHIT!

What to do? Haiz. Nothing to do. Hope all Malaysia's players will put more effort for the coming soon tournament. Kkk and Tbh sure will get scolded by the coach. Pity guys. But fine. Face the fact. Jia You. To all Malaysia's players. We are proud of you guys.

Thomas Cup final. No more Malaysia. Don't cry.

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