Monday, May 19, 2008


So tired. Keep on revise my biology. Everyone sure non-stop reading bio right now. Haha.

Last night Thomas Cup final was so interesting. For those who watched, I confirm u have the same feeling. China again. They won again. Pity Korea. But not my business la. Malaysia already say bye bye. Lin Dan, the first single from China versus Park Sung-hwan from Korea. I thought Park will win. But he still lose because Lin Dan's wind came back. So proud of Lee Chong Wei because Lin Dan lose to him. Only HIM!

Fu Hai Feng and Cai Yun not enough stamina to fight with Jung Jae-sung and Lee Yong-dae. Korea really geng. Got a tight match between them. And of course Fu Hai Feng and Cai Yun lose. They old liao la. but still leng zai.

My Bao Chun Lai turn versus Lee Hyun-il. So nervous. Love Bao Chun Lai so much. He really look like Jei Shen. They both having a tight match. My BCL won for the match finally. Haha. So proud le.

Xie Zhong Bo and Guo Zheng Dong (know their name liao) I thought they will lose to Lee Jae-jin and Hwang Ji-man. But they won. Unexpected and unbelievable. Korea's supporter sure scold them. Haha. They lost their Thomas champion.

China still the best of the best. I just hope that Malaysia will work harder and get good results in Olympic. Don't lose. Jia You.

Have to continue my biology. Pray for myself. Good Luck.

P/S:I miss him so much right now. Persuading myself not to cry for him. Don't cry.

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