Thursday, March 27, 2008


I should apologize to someone at the first. Sorry.
I read his blog and I feel something.
Sentimentel. I thought he's saying about me.
But it's himself.
I don't know what to say anymore.
He helped me whenever I really need someone be with me.
He will reply my message as soon as possible and always instruct me to take care of my health.
I should appreciate it as well.
I did appreciated, but I never ever concern about his problems.
He told me before that he will settle himself.
And of course I believe in him. He is so geng in my eyes. Really.
But then I feel that its wrong.
Everyone got his weakness.
Everyone need help no matter how geng he is.
He always pretend infront of me.
He said he feel ok with his SPM results.
But actually, he still care about it.
Its normal I think. Because I were like this last time when got my PMR results.
The feel will come back easily and you will ask WHY WHY WHY...
No WHY... This is the purpose of life.
And I just always say JIA YOU. Jia You is not enough to consult someone. I know it clearly. But I just keep on say Jia You to him. Stupid ykw. This is not enough!
But he never blame me.
Should thanks him.
I am the first ranking listener but I'm younger than him.
I admit it. I never ever know how to consult him actually.
This makes me feel guilty.
He keeps on helping me and consult me. Always ask me stay strong and he will backup me no matter how. I feel like crying now.
Don't know how to describe my feeling. Wu nai.
Take care my dearest friend.
I will backup you also. Really.
Find me if you really need me.
I will listen to what you wanna say.
And of course I trying my best to give you the best advices.
Sorry and thank you.
Forgive me.

p/s: Tjj, yuri.. I still remember this.. Must Jia You..

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