Wednesday, October 1, 2008


I found out something. This makes my tears. I really get something from that. I can't be so selfish anymore. I can't continue anything anymore. Put my hand off. Let him be and set him free. He is really for her. They both look match to be couple. I sincerely feel so. Cannot think so much anymore. Cannot like that anymore. If not I won't ever get his smile again.

Endure the pain and stranglehold the feel. Don't cry. He won't be mine anymore. I have to wake up. Respect them and their memories. He can't even forget the past. No more anything for me. Just let everything as usual as nothing as normal. Close my eyes and get him out from my life. I don't want to be hurt anymore. Persuading myself not to miss him. Don't cry don't cry don't cry. Jia You.

P/s: For them and their memories. I will leave.

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