Saturday, August 16, 2008


We both become so close recently. He likes to look at me and smile. I can feel the last time feeling yet I know I can't think so much anymore. Let everything be like usual then everything will be fine. I scare to lost him again in my life so I won't do anything. Be myself then it is enough. Maybe I'm too obvious but I just like to be myself.

He still like that. Like to say about other guys infront of me. No matter how hard I explained, he will never except and keep on saying again and again. I know I cannot control his mouth but I really feel like killing him when he say so. He should know I hate that feeling but he likes to play me by that way. I hate him that know how I feel but still pretending. When he pretend I feel like crying.

And I also like to say about her infront of him. He told me that she is his gf. My tears drop when I heard this. I don't know why I still so care abouth this. He is joking but I treat that as truth. She is just for him in his eyes. I'm only nothing. Ya, I have to accept the truth.

Keep on waiting and waiting for his msg just want to know everything about him. Ykw really failure. I can't even give up. Haiz. Really no more medicine to cure. I'm useless. I miss him so much right now. He got stomachache. I'm worry about him. Hope he will be fine when it is without me. My 2023. He can guess my PIN code. We got something in our heart. We are clear for this. I won't spread my own secret. I want to keep it. Jia you. Don't cry even though it is without him.

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