Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Having somtachache right now. So pain. Pain until my tears non-stop dropping. I thought I can endure the pain, yet I can't. I need someone to talk with me but I don't know who to find. Hate my life. So stress so pressure. I am so so so so so tired. Can't afford anymore. But what can I do? I am always alone. Nevermind. I am big girl, so won't cry. I have to stay strong no matter how. Cannot spoil my everything.

Listening Love Story right now. Haha. I miss that moment. Stranglehold everything then I will be fine. For my future. I need to Jia You. I have to Jia You. Don't cry no matter how suffer it goes. This is the purpose of life. Have to face it and solve it. After that will get more and more experience and will growth up become more mature. That's what I want. Don't cry.

P/s: I need someone right now to wipe my tears. But I don't know where he goes.

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