Wednesday, December 31, 2008


I thinking so much right now. What should I do to let that feeling become fade? I don't know. Maybe I have to be strong. I don't like to face it yet I MUST face it. Already choose to believe then have to trust everything. But it is a a lie between believe.

Keep on persuade myself not to think so much. I hope everything will be fine. I got no mood to know and got no mood to get that properly. No need to ask why. This is fact. Haha. I'm useless. I can't do anything. I just do nothing. For myself.

I don't know what I trying to say right now. I just know my heart feels pain. I wan to endure it but my tears running off in my eyes. How to stop my tears and pretend to become stronger? I need his hand. Who can rescue me for now moment.

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